
The Southern Chakras

Label: None
since circa 2005
We are a band. We were born in Victoria B.C. Paul and Athena write lots of songs. Some of them are funky, some of them are sweet, and a few are just plain old nasty.Our music comes from in-betweens-ville. We don’t care what style or genre it is, we just try to let each song tell us what it wants. We’ll make beautiful melodies one moment, and rock your head right off your unsuspecting body the next. We love dancing and being freaks. We are strongly influenced by sexuality and several songs reflect that juicy subject. We love harmony and together our voices make a magical combination. If you come to one of our shows you’ll probably dance, even if you usually don’t. You’ll feel satisfied but you’ll still want more, and you’ll be singing one or more of our songs for weeks to come.
Until that day, have lots of fun and take care of your beautiful selves.

Community Events

Current Lineup

Athena Holmes
vocals, guitar, bass
2005 - present
Paul Kannespurro
vocals, lead guitar, bass
2005 - present
Ahena Holmes
2005 - present
Paul Kannaspuro
2005 - present