
Fake Shark Real Zombie

since circa 2005
At some point an artist has to release his grasp on some of what he has held dear and even shaped his work. Kevvy Mental from Fake Shark Real Zombie has moved up to another plateau; he is a changed man, but still with the same youthful energy he’s always had. “I fell out of love with hardcore because it’s missing character” explains the electrically-charged frontman. “The new album, called Liar, is a result of a new direction… allowing my love of soul, Motown, hip hop and old school punk rock to show itself.” The results are daring. Not just musically, because with a complete lack of double-time guitar vomit on Liar, there is a risk of alienating die hard FSRZ fans who expect that trademark sound. “There’s a song on the record called ‘Fuck Kevvy’ and in that song I address the change as evolutionary. I write records for myself, as if I were trying to come up with my favorite record, and the types of things that satisfy me musically are more like witty phrasing or lyrics rather than just trying to write the fastest songs in the world. The goal before was to sonically assault the listener with time changes and now I’m more into a cool phrase instead of thir... more...
Available for Shows/Gigs
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Current Lineup

Kevin Maher "kevvy mentall"
2005 - present
lou wang
2005 - present
Unlinked Musician
2005 - present

Past Members

shitty dan
2005 - 2007