

Zeus, for example, was a horndog. Like that time he came to Earth to seduce all those comely maidens while disguised as a white bull that smelled of flowers. It was really something. And that girl Io was such a fox - until Zeus turned her into a cow to thwart his suspicious wife, that is. That Zeus. What a prankster. Then we have Hercules slaying the Lion of Nemea, the Hydra of Lerna and the rest of his 12 labours in the original ancient Iron Man competition. Still, I'd like to think that the Norse gods could take the Greek gods any day of the week. Thor could kick Hercules's ass. After all, Herc needed that magic ring - a piece of jewelry, for god's sake - and couldn't get along without that silly centaur he always hung around with. "Herc, Herc! Not with the ring, the RING!" Mythology was common in heavy metal, the closest modern music has come since Wagner to the attitude of the old gods, the fun gods, the decadent gods who weren't afraid to go over the top to entertain the puny mortals. Wielder of hammer, body-building champion, star of stage and screen, subject of his own comic book and practically a cartoon hero himself, Jon Thor knows exactly what he got into when... more...
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