
Man The Wolf

since circa 2011
In a stumbling haze, amid a sea of tents, two men united by music and one acoustic guitar… there was an instant realization that this wasn't your average jam.

In the days and years to come, the two men attempted to spread the word of Rock.

At an open mic they noticed a tall cool figure leaning against a wall in the back. "You guys are good" was heard as they passed him by. The response.... "Do you play?".... The figure looked past the brim of his hat and said... "A little" They shook hands and drank… ...and then they began to Rock.

If you want the rest of the story................ or if you want to be a part of it.... come see MAN the WOLF.

When the wolf pulls… when the tether grows taught… when slack is lost and strain begins to burn… when fatigue is muscled aside and great ideas are ravaged and pilfered for all their worth… when you believe in your potential… in your creation… in your combined and cumulative power… when you’re moved, deeply, by what you hear… by what you see… by what you chose to follow… the howl of the pack… so wild and primal that it breaks the leash that confines us…

we are…

Available for Shows/Gigs

Community Events

Current Lineup

Cliff Thiessen
2011 - present
Eric Fortin
2011 - present
Giancarlo Laertini
2011 - present