
The Mohrs

It seems as if The Mohrs have been thirteen years in the making. Headed by Winnipeg-native Jackie Mohr, The Mohrs are currently getting ready to release their debut album; bringing listeners back to a time where chicks ruled the rock and roll stage. Jackie found her passion for guitar at age thirteen and immediately started taking lessons. When most girls were playing flute and listening to Britney Spears, Jackie was practicing hard rocking guitar licks and jamming out to ACDC. Guitar lessons lead to a teaching gig, and a deep friendship with guitarist Marc Girardin. As teenagers and young adults, Jackie and Marc headed the rock band “Living In Red,” and released an EP and toured across the prairies. Although “Living In Red” experienced some success, professional aspirations took members in different directions, and in 2012, Jackie and Marc found themselves packing their bags and heading to Toronto. Working with their friend and mentor, Hawksley Workman, Jackie and Marc honed in on their songwriting and voice which would eventually become the sound of The Mohrs. Adding musical friends Max Trefler (drums) and Greg Markham (bass) into the mix, The Mohrs were complete. A... more...
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