
Ash Riot

Label: Riot Records
since circa 2000

This Time I’ll Forgive You…Again is the full length album from Vancouver,Canada singer-songwriter Ash Riot. Born and raised in Vancouver BC, Ash has been immersed within the culture and diversity in the deep urban playground of the Pacific North West Coast. "This Time I’ll Forgive You…Again" is the story of a 21 year-old artist with true rock ‘n roll spirit whose poetic lyrics could stitch the wounds of any hungry soul, rising from one experience to another, whether it be painful, beautiful, pensive or observant.
After independently putting out one acoustic EP(Urban Rain) in 2000, the four song EP debuted in the #4 spot in Discorder Magazine the same month as its release. It also acquired radio play on Vancouver’s indie radio station CITR, and Ash herself made some live performance appearances on the same station. The CD made it into the hands of Trigger, the founder of girlgig productions, whose influence on women artists inspired Ash enough to start playing shows of her own. Soon, she was playing at venues such as the Railway Club, The WISE Hall, and various places along the West Coast. Many main stages and clubs later, she’s performed with the likes of Alix Olson, Pamela Means, Ember Swift, Hector, Yvette, Fruit, Evalyn Parry, just to name a few.
Ash has a way of holding the audience in the palms of her hands. With each song she punches through the speakers she’s sure to keep them within her grasp. From the true punk rock spirit that she unleashes, to the old school rock n’ roll that’s constantly sifting through her veins, she’s setting the audience on fire with her energy and originality.
With her new record "This Time I’ll Forgive You…Again", she’s ready to hold the gaze of rock n’ rollers abroad. Produced, mixed and recorded by Rick Boulter (Cosmic Pig Studios http://members.shaw.ca/cosmictunes/index.html) and mastered by Jamie Sitar (Bif Naked, Randy Bachman, Swollen Members, Default, Theory of a Dead Man, Crowned King etc; http:/www.suitesoundlabs.com) the record takes on an emotion of it’s own with each new heart that bleeds through the audio roller coaster. One song after another, it becomes more apparent that having a broken heart is just as good as having revenge through artistic flair. Whether it be to a lover, to a nation, or to herself, there isn’t a book of emotion left unread or a pile of secrets left unturned. If one theme is tattooed upon the skin of these twelve songs, it’s that to understand oneself, is to understand the relationship of humanity within its unity and its dissonance.
Upon the albums release, Ash will be ready to perform to whomever will listen and be ready to contemplate the definition and reinvention of modern rock n’ roll. She plans to support the album by an eventual tour. Until then…just watch and listen.
Continuing Under New Name

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