

AUGURY doesn’t identify itself with any pre-established school of music, but it can be fit into the extreme metal category since they favor fast playing, low tuning and rough vocals. A further link can be made with the Norwegian symphonic Black Metal scene, for the use of classical, Celtic and medieval overtones and the lush vocal harmonies that embellish about half of the songs. Triplet feels and guitar/bass dual and triple harmonies are indeed a staple of Augury’s music. Yet, there is no keyboard, no fake vampire image and a totally different lyrical concept.

Also, the musicians add influences from a lot of other sources. All members are big fans of progressive rock, classical baroque and jazz and there is a big flamenco influence (Strunz & Farrah, Paco de Lucia, Don Ross) in the playing. Strings players alone total almost 50 years of practicing their instruments and Patrick started singing in the late 80’s while Arianne is classically trained. Yet, everyone still yearns to widen his or her horizon...

What are Augury's lyrics about? The name itself is a hint at what the band has to say In the past, it was a way to predict events to come from signs in nature, like the flight of birds or sharp shifts in weather. However, the name was also used in old law books to describe the felony of witchcraft et was extended as a curse toward those who knew too much. The definition fits the bands and its members, since they inquire on terrain where no normal scholars dare set foot!

Here we talk about such controversial subjects as spirituality, UFO's, new energies and propulsion forms, ancient technological civilizations and this with a serious and inquisitive eye. Personal research brought to light many evidences sustaining theories aforementioned but also unexpectedly took the lid off incredibly blatant efforts from a certain world elite to conceal all that knowledge from the public eye and its plan to form a world dictatorship.

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