

since circa 2002
NOVASTATIK is the "New Noise from the City of Glass". After the tidal wave from the Seattle grunge era ended, the Vancouver music scene was left swirling in a wake of tortured, crooner-esque rock bands. Some of its survivors were able to parlay that sound into multi-platinum success, and with an undeniable ground swell of emerging independent artists, the rock scene was strong in the City of Glass. Having previously collaborated together, Ty March and Mike Lackner knew the Vancouver music scene needed a kick-start, so they formed NOVASTATIK in early 2002. Jezza Butler took over on the bass in the summer of 2004 and Justin Gendreau started pounding the skins in the fall of 2006. The band began writing songs at a furious pace, with the help of producer Kai Markus, (Noise Therapy, Methods of Mayhem, Tommy Lee), and they also recorded the title track for the feature length independent film INSECTICIDAL, from acclaimed Vancouver film producer Jeffery Lando (Savage Island). This track was mixed with the help of Dave Ottoson, {lead singer of Noise Therapy}, and remains one of the crowd favorites at live NOVASTATIK shows where they have shared the stage with bands like State of Shock, Mendozza and Kill Rhythm to name a few. As their momentum continued to build, the band headed back to Magma Studios in North Vancouver and completed their debut album in January of 2006. In February and March of 2006, their first single, "It Smacks of Love", played on Vancouver's hottest rock station 99.3 THE FOX. In April the band quickly followed up with a second radio single called Mad City, and played a guest performance at the 2006 New Music West Festival, Vancouvers most prestigious music industry showcase. With an EPK video on their web page, and a music video in the works, the future looks promising for NOVASTATIK as they head into the new year. Check them out on-line: www.myspace.com/novastatik

Tyler March : Vocals

Mike Lackner : Guitars

Justin Gendreau : Drums

Jezza Butler : Bass
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Tyler March
2002 - The End
Mike Lackner
2002 - The End
Mike Rolheiser
2003 - The End
Jeremy Butler
2004 - The End
Mike Rolheiser
2006 - The End