
jeff gordon

Instruments: Guitar, Knobs and Dials, Composition/Songwriting, Piano/Keyboards, percussion, voice details
Greetings! My name is Jeff Im 29 years old from Victoria. Im looking to collaborate on some musical endeavours with anyone who is into to it. To give ya a bit of info on my "chops"; I have been playing guitar for about 10 years, singing since I was a wee one, playing keys for about 5 years, Tweeking & knob twidlin for about the same. I was trained for audio engineering msic production thru CDIS in vancouver, where I gained employment as an audio tech for two years after I finished my program. I worked as a location sound operator during the same time, and worked on my own musical projects. For a number of years I was producing electronic music, and gigging as a Live performance artist. About 2 years ago, I sold off all my electronic equipment to buy a van so that my wife son and I could travel about. We just got back from mexico in december 06 and now Im ready to start collaborating. Now a dayz Im pretty much acoustic, and want to explore more in that facet. Though not limited as I wasnt to get back into electronic stuff. My influences are all over the place, but most notably I like to play funky, folky acoustic ... more...

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