
Live She Cries

Label: AM Records
since circa 1994
CHRIS JONES (SPIDER) - After doing a successful stint in the Los Angeles area in a band that backed up such luminaries as Meat Loaf and Kansas, Spider came back to Vancouver where he now heads "Live She Cries". Here he writes songs, that stay true to hard rock with a metal edge.

The band has taken on a new direction, and is delving into being a large theatrical band. L.S.C. songs, image, coupled with a straight forward approach and business attitude, interlock to make LIVE SHE CRIES, a strong marketable product not to be over looked.

There is a video in the works to be shot.

Anonymous Posting 11/6/04:
Totally great live show... I am part of this board and tend to check out most of the bands. This one kiks ass!
Broken Up

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Past Members

Ray Hartmann
? - 19