

since circa 2011
With an innate ability to invoke the depth of rain forests and raw coastlines of British Columbia, Silva is a human microcosm of its environment, infusing organic instruments like guitars and bass with electric drum kits that reverberate through hypnotic beats and danceable dream rhythms; as visually entrancing to watch as they are to listen to, the 6-piece “Druidic Dub” group is emerging as a favorite at West Coast music festivals. Beginning their journey at Diversity Festival in 2011, Silva is bringing signature elements to the musical table that are specifically unique to their rock-esque, R&B sound: Electrifying melodies, heart-catching hooks, lyrics that hit the soul and ethereal vocals soar over a foundation of solid grooves; Silva charms their audience like magicians, throwing down powerful performances with tight, professional sets that keep their fans enchanted and always dancing. Silva released a self-titled album in 2011, a 10 track LP entitled Out of the Living in 2012, and have a third album in the works. Silva is also receiving international radio play, setting their sights on a province-wide tour of British Columbia and heading to California for the summer... more...
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