
The Washover Fans

With a refreshing and original take on acoustic music, The Washover Fans bring together four accomplished musicians with decades of playing and performing experience each having written, recorded and performed with various and varied outside projects. Seattle musicians Colin, Gillian, David and Seth write songs independently, but edit and arrange as an ensemble, creating a broad but cohesively twangy set, full of interlocking vocals and lush acoustic instrumentation. April 2011, saw the arrival of The Washover Fans' debut album "That Habit Suits You." The album is currently an editor's pick on the CD Baby website in the americana genre. The four musicians push each other creatively to write and perform songs that each deliberately evoke very different emotions and soundscapes resulting in a set list in which no two songs sound the same. The Washover Fans create an intimate live experience drawing from each of the four musicians’ dynamic musical backgrounds. A live show consists of original music as well as thoughtful renditions of various covers that pay homage to the diverse American music experience. Instruments rotate the stage and include guitars, mandolin, banjo, cello... more...

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