
Bernie Shaw

Instruments: Vocals details
Photo credit Wikipedia * At the beginning of 1970 Shaw dreamed of fitting a rock guitarist . He bought himself a Gibson SG Special and started practising. When the local band Cold Sweat was looking for a second guitarist in 1974, Shaw auditioned, but bass player Bill Kempster advised him to put down the guitar and to buy a mic from their old singer and come back the next week. Shaw followed up this advice, and when he auditioned as a singer the band hired him as their new vocalist. Cold Sweat toured extensively over the next 3 years playing across B.C. Alberta, Saskatewan and into Manitoba. Their live set of a mixture of classic melodic rock soon became their calling card on the hotel, and live club scene. Unfortunately, the changing music scene and popularity of discos caused the Victoria band to break up in 1977. In that same year, he had been called to join Saskatoon based band Legend, whom had lost their lead singer Danny Jeans. They had heard Shaw singing with Cold Sweat on a large number of occasions and knew he would fit their needs. Shaw relocated to Stoon and stayed for 9 months before Legend additionally resolved due to lack of live work. Shaw returned to Victoria to con... more...
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Sleeping Dogs Lie
Cold Sweat
Lead Vocals
In Transit
Lead Vocals
1995 - 1996
The Pulse
Lead Vocals