

since circa 2007
MudJack are a four piece “alternative blues” band originally formed in the UK before moving their sound over to North America. With a line-up consisting of Sam Linthorne, OJ Hanmer, Adam Wawzonek and Mark Wilson, they create a savage, untamed sound, with a blues essence.

The first EP, ‘Follow Me’, received airplay around the UK and resulted in radio sessions on BBC Radio Wales and Nation Radio, a...s well as impressive magazine reviews. Their second, ‘Still No Place To Go’, again received great feedback around the UK, but also around stations throughout Europe, the West coast of America and Canada. Having received airplay and positive responses in California, including LA based station KROQ, Sacramento’s KHUM, CHICO and other stations around British Columbia, being added to the books of movie production companies ‘Flower Films’ and ‘Anvil entertainment’, plus being played at several Google HQ corporate events in the Silicon valley, they decided they should push their sound in North America.

MudJack are now based in Vancouver...

Community Events

Current Lineup

Sam Linthorne
2007 - present
OJ Hanmer
2007 - present
Adam Jan Joseph
2011 - present
Mark Wilson
2011 - present