
Gold Stars Are For Suckers

since circa 2009
Gold Stars Are For Suckers deliver music for beer ninjas, music nerds, bacon lovers, zombie enthusiasts, career students, the unemployable and alcohol evangelists. The odd listener who has a job as well as access to a music delivery system will find bits and pieces of things they love in each and every tune offered... Or mayhaps, they'll find some bits they hate... as there has been a healthy dose of evil thinking poured into the odd one... It's been mentioned:

'It's glam, powerpop, Motown, bubblepunk, indie rock and a bit of everything in between - it's all in there and it's all good.'

Party Like An Eagle!

It’s a proven fact: gold stars are for suckers… make a note of it.
other sites: myspace

Community Events

Current Lineup

Timothy Packford
guitar : vox
2009 - present
Richard Katynski
bass : back vox
2009 - present
Mo Sherwood
drums : back vox
2009 - present
Derek Macdonald
keyboards : back vox
2011 - present