
UNICEF Tap Project Fundraiser

Photo © UNICEF/HQ96-1166
About the UNICEF Tap Project
What is the UNICEF Tap Project?

In 2007, the UNICEF Tap Project was born in New York City based on a simple concept: restaurants would ask their patrons to donate $1 or more for the tap water they usually enjoy for free, and all funds raised would support UNICEF’s efforts to bring clean and accessible water to millions of children around the world.

Growing from just 300 New York City restaurants in 2007 to thousands across the country today, the UNICEF Tap Project has quickly become a powerful national movement.

During World Water Week, March 21-27, 2010, the UNICEF Tap Project will once again raise awareness of the world water crisis and vital funds to help the millions of children it impacts daily. All funds raised support UNICEF's water, sanitation and hygiene programs, and the effort to bring clean and accessible water to millions of children around the world.

UNICEF has saved more children’s lives than any other humanitarian organization, and UNICEF is committed to doing whatever it takes to achieve the goal of reaching the day when ZERO children die of preventable causes. Currently, UNICEF provides access to safe water and sanitation facilities while promoting safe hygiene practices in more than 100 countries.

In alignment with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, UNICEF is working with its partners to reduce the number of people without access to safe water and basic sanitation by 50% by 2015, which will also save children at risk from waterborne illnesses, the second highest cause of preventable childhood deaths.
How is the UNICEF Tap Project helping Haiti earthquake victims?

Through campaigns like the UNICEF Tap Project, UNICEF was there for the children of Haiti before the earthquake and will continue to be there, implementing long-term, sustainable water and sanitation solutions for Haiti and other countries that so desperately need them.

All money raised through the 2010 UNICEF Tap Project will once again be allocated to the countries and areas UNICEF has identified as among the most in need. Those countries include Togo, Central African Republic, Vietnam, Guatemala and, of course, Haiti. Nearly 900 million people worldwide lack access to safe, clean water—and nearly half of those people are children. Together we can work toward the day when that number is ZERO.

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