
The Veronicas

The Veronicas are sisters Jess and Lisa (Twins/Ninja Pixies). Both girls have been singing, and writing since they were young.

Jess has been known to date her guitar on a regular basis, but is currently having an affair with a Bass. Plans to save the world one foot in mouth statement at a time. Doesn't think before she inks.. but its happy with that. Enjoys Kolas, does not enjoy fascists. Empowers freedom of speech, unless it differs from her views. KIDDING.kinda.

Lisa started dabbling in playing Synth and experimenting in string samples recently, until she puts her passion for wanting to learn drums into motion. Indecisive in most things. Will popacapinyour.. if you challange her integrity.. or her sister. Enjoys Vinegar, does not enjoy sneaky, selfish people who only speak to hear the sound of their own voices.

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