
Free lance for several dj's, studios, live performences

I am seriously looking for: Drummer, guitar player, bass player...I want to finally do what I should have done a long time ago...instead of wasting my time figuring out what i want to do......This new project is called Dress me up people....Jazz, bossa, blues but all that mixed with my very strong influences of techno/rock, soul_rn B/puck and believe it or not...f****ing death F****ing metal music which inspires me allot.

Check out my web sites and my videos at www.myspace.com/pleasedressmeup or

www.myspace.com/lafederationltd or


I am not a flake and please, if you just think that I look hot on my pictures and videos.....don't bother because this is a serious project and I want to work with devoted, alternative, youngish and confident musicians. Female are more than welcome....



Community Events

Current Lineup

vocals, back vocals
1999 - present