Cornerstone Cafe

1301 Galdstone Victoria BC
The Cornerstone Café is proudly owned by Fernwood NRG. The Café operates out of the revitalized Cornerstone Building at 1301 Gladstone Avenue (at Fernwood Road). All income from the Café is reinvested in the neighbourhood through Fernwood NRG’s programs and services. The Café is a place where you can hang out, meet your neighbours, take in music and events, and access neighbourhood resources and information. We offer free wireless internet, as well as large bulletin boards so that you can stay connected in new ways and old. The Cornerstone exhibits the work of many local emerging artists and strives to promote and showcase the artistic culture that thrives within Fernwood keeping it vibrant, beautiful, healthy, and alive. If you are interested in showing your work, please email a proposal and images to:


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