LaSaM Music

1734 Ashdale Place Victoria BC
LaSaM Music has been creating and producing adventurous music events in Victoria, Canada, since 2008. LaSaM is known for its original themed projects inspired by relationships between the natural world, sound and music; the provocative ideas of music practitioners who work outside the margins; and the act and art of listening itself. Projects include Biospheric Art Practice (2015-ongoing), Songs From Glass Island (2016), Music for Natural History (2012 and 2016), Dark Listening (2014), Music for Mycologists (2013), In a Large Open Space(2011), “And Beethoven Heard Nothing” (2010), and Removing the Demon (2009) among others. The heart of LaSaM is an ongoing meeting place between its core and guest artists, where ideas of and perceptions of sound, music, light, image, movement and place evolve from an approach grounded in acute listening, focused improvisation and provocative collaboration. As well as presenting the projects of its core members, LaSaM collaborates with and programs works by composers and musicians and other artists whose innovation and spirit have profoundly influenced the practice of creative music making in recent times. These artists have included Alvin Lucier, Pauline Oliveros, James Tenney, Earle Brown, Alvin Curran, Gavin Bryars, Martin Bartlett, Yoko Ono, John Cage and others. Artistic Directors: Tina Pearson, George Tzanetakis and Paul Walde.


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