Chemainus United Church

9814 Willow St Chemainus BC
V0R 1K0
Welcome to the community of Chemainus United Church! We know that life is best lived in relationship with God, and with each other. We gather to worship God on Sunday mornings. It’s the time and place where we centre ourselves on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through the Holy Spirit, we live in fellowship with each other and we try to make sure that people feel loved as brothers and sisters in Christ. From checking in with each other to working together we try to share the love of God. We want to engage with our world as disciples of Jesus Christ in meaningful ways. This also involves answering that famous question, “Who is my neighbour?” It also means using our gifts faithfully. One way is by using our building to support programs and offering our energy to partners that we work with. Entering a community already in motion can be difficult. If you are the kind of person who dives in completely right from the top – ‘Welcome!’ If you are the kind of person that needs to observe from a distance – ‘Welcome!’ Drop by for a service or when the doors are open and you’ll be greeted by friendly people. Or, give us a call or send us an e-mail and we can connect that way.


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