empower [em 'pau r] - to promote the self-actualization or influence of; to enable. -Mirriam-Webster On Line (www.m-w.com) "Empowering Independent Musicians" M*POWER is the product of James Kasper, one of Victoria's most avid indie music promoters. Kasper has been a music promoter and musician in the BC & Ontario music scenes since 1996. Founded in January of 2001, M*POWER is primarily an event production company. M*POWER was responsible for producing Victoria's first-ever Independent Music Awards show (M*POWER Awards) on Feb.16, 2002 (this show received national exposure on Much Music and was hosted by Terry David Mulligan & David Gogo). The M*POWERS are now heading into their thrid year of production. For more info, visit www.mpowerawards.com


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