The Argyle Pub

3203 1st Avenue Port Alberni BC
The Argyle Public House. You will find The Argyle on Argyle Street, at the corner of Argyle and Kingsway. You'll also find some of Alberni's best musicical entertainment, live and on stage friday and saturday nights. Also join Lazy Mike & the Rockin' Recliners every Wednesday from 8pm to 12pm in the pub, where they will be hosting an ACOUSTIC OPEN STAGE, NOTE THIS IS NOT A JAM, although the same rules as a jam apply, players should have their own instruments, electric instruments are discouraged, although bass players are welcome to bring electric basses, (trying to keep it acoustic). Everybody gets an allotted time to play, a small P.A. is supplied, but there is no drums kit, hand percussion instruments are welcome. This is your chance to get imaginative with a cover tune or to show case your originals. Should be fun, see you there.Find out more at


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