Elevator Music

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Conceived by Ben Abel in 2007 Elevator Music and Promotions is dedicated to promoting local music. Ben continues to work as a musician with his project local blues cover act the Killing Floor Blues Band. With Elevator Music, Ben has successfully developed and promoted shows at the Backstage Lounge, Princeton Pub, Café Deux Soleil, The Bourbon, Funky Winkerbeans Pub, Railway Club, and Joe's Apartment. He is also an experienced marketer who is able to offer advice on Social Media Marketing, Public and Media Relations as well as blogging and writing. Check out his tech blog Vancouver Gadgets. Ben is also available for speaking engagements, event management, show production as a session musician and for songwriting. To connect with Ben, find him on Twitter, Facebook or Linked In. Get in touch by email at elevatormusicis@gmail.com.


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