Master Joda Promotions

160 Clio Ave Victoria BC
v9c 1g2
It has been one hell of a ride this first year and the amount of amazing talent I have been blessed to work with is unreal! All you kick-ass Artists keep reaching for your dream because you make it worth while putting on these shows!! BANDS I HAVE WORKED WITH/OR ARE CURRENTLY PUTTING SHOWS TOGETHER FOR:.. Funk Vigilante, Ninjaspy, Dayglo Abortions, Sea-Sekshun, Saul, Dead Eyes Open, Throat Poets, Unleash the Archers, The Whiteboard Project, Tenant, VonBones, Callahan, Farewell to Freeway, Fall in Archaea, Moss Rock, The New Colors, Marching Mind, Crash Assassin, DFY, Glorywhore, Hooker Pop, Sons of Nova, Durban Poison, The Perfect Trend, Llama God, Scythia, Aquila, The Zap Straps, The Laundronauts, Reaver, The Kiltlifters, We the Undersigned, The Autumn Portrait, Lawn Social, Scimitar, Heavy Indica, Black Hat Villain, Rotten Rails, Handsome Distraction, Lust Boys, Kobra and the Lotus, Fineas Gage, Hardly Soft, I THE HUNTER, This Day Burns, Synapse, Aegis Fang, Covalent, Year of the Rat, Careful With That Axe.... PEOPLE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ARTISTS....THERE IS AMAZING TALENT OUT THERE THAT WILL BE LOST IF YOU DON'T!!!


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