Discorder Magazine

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LL500 - 6133 University Blvd. (UBC Vancouver Campus) Vancouver BC
V6T 1Z1
DISCORDER: that magazine from CITR 101.9FM ~Supporting local music since 1983~ Discorder covers local and emerging music and arts, with 8,000 copies distributed monthly throughout Vancouver and select locations on Vancouver Island. Discorder features interviews with the famous, soon-to-be-famous and not-a-chance-in-hell-of-ever-becoming-famous, articles that relate to our community of creatives, a selection of regular and semi-regular columns, and original art features. We also publish live show reviews (Real Live Action) and album reviews (Under Review). As the mischievous little sister of CiTR 101.9FM, Discorder includes station information, monthly music charts and the program guide. Find Discorder at your local record store, venue or cafe, or read articles online at discorder.ca. You may also sign up for Discorder's mid-monthly newsletter here: http://citr.us1.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=40433c5ee8624be1b6e7b18ae&id=4f04347c4a


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