Dunbar Community Centre

4747 Dunbar Street Vancouver BC
Established in 1958 through a local improvement by-law initiative whereby residents in the area agreed to directly fund original building costs, this busy centre is located on Memorial Park West (7.5 hectares), a verdant greensward bounded by large shade trees and comprising playfields, playgrounds and a bank of six tennis courts. The park's original name was Dunbar Park but this was changed following World War I to Memorial Park. The "West" was added onto the park's name following the amalgamation of West Point Grey and South Vancouver Municipalities with the City of Vancouver where a park with the same name already existed. The community centre is positioned near the corner of West 33rd Avenue and Dunbar Street only a short block from the busy Dunbar shopping district. Dunbar Community Centre serves a multi-cultural residential community of all ages. A wide and diverse number of recreational programs and activities are on tap here including outdoor lawn bowling plus seasonal special events. Dunbar's very active fitness centre was recently expanded through a joint Park Board/Community Centre Association initiative.


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