Tall Poppy

Tall Poppy Records’ aim is to showcase acts on a weekly basis to the BC music community, running under the name of “Tall Poppy Presents…”.’ We incorporate professional sound and lighting facilities, a superb stage, professional camera crew and a 10,000+ strong fan base to give 7 acts a night, 4 nights minimum per month an opportunity to perform in a professional, warm and friendly atmosphere. We support the artists by offering them a complimentary live CD of their performance and work experience to students and engineers to train and work beside our professionals. With feelers out for some time, we’ve come to certain conclusions about a need in the market for a venue that cultivates creative talent and offers clientele an unusual and earthy environment. Patrons of Tall Poppy Presents… can uniquely access real artists at arm’s length on a permanent and regular basis. We are dedicated to building our showcases into a showcase to be known internationally as a place to go, to network, to discover up and coming real “live talent” and to blend with established performers and signed acts. Keeping Music Live! Tall Poppy Records - BANDS/ARTISTS WANTED!!!! ³Tall Poppy Presents..." is a professionally run live showcase platform for acts who are either breaking in the business, already established or artists in development. We are looking for artists and bands NOW! Having challenges finding great venue to play? Our aim is to help hard-working artists in this shrinking corporate music industry and get them out there and be heard! We encourage acts to use our facilities and production team as a means of showcasing to larger/major labels. Many artists have connected with managers, publishers and music industry people in the Tall Poppy environment. It¹s the SONG that RULES! Any and all genres will be considered as long as the music is song-inspired. All acts are compensated for their performance based on draw. This is an excellent opportunity for up-and-coming artists, as well as established acts, to get in front of new faces! In April 2006, we will offer the best four acts the opportunity to play a Tall Poppy Presents... showcase co-sponsored by New Music West! To be involved, go to www.sonicbids.com/tallpoppypresents or visit www.tallpoppyrecords.com


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