Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre

Our Mandate Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre is a non-profit organization facilitating the presentation, interpretation, and production of contemporary visual, time-based and interdisciplinary arts. Modern Fuel aims to meet the professional development needs of emerging and mid-career local, national and international artists, from diverse cultural communities, through exhibition, discussion, and mentorship opportunities. Modern Fuel supports innovation and experimentation and is committed to the education of interested publics and the diversification of its audiences. As an advocate for contemporary art, as well as for artists' rights, we pay professional fees to artists in accordance with the CARFAC fee schedule. Modern Fuel has been operating in Katarokwi/Kingston for over forty years, supporting artists and working across communities, on the ancestral homelands and territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples. We at Modern Fuel strive for respectful relationships through all of the programming and exhibitions that we support, as we work towards collective healing and honour this land together. Main Objectives Encourage the exchange of information and ideas by providing a forum for critical discourse on issues pertaining to contemporary art and professional practice. Promote the development of artists by facilitating workshops, guest lectures and artist talks, and by integrating focused mentorships into core programming and supporting activities. Present work by artists in environments away from the gallery or institutional space, as a means to support a wide range of artist projects, expose members of the community-at-large to contemporary art and art-forms and expand audiences. Further the development of the New Media Workspace by continuing to acquire digital tools and equipment, making said resources available for use by artists, and providing training and production support for works in time-based media. Continue to create new and innovative ways to involve young artists and audiences. Increase the involvement of local people, groups, and artists who are from and/or work with visible minorities, Indigenous and Metis communities. Forge community partnerships and collaborate with other artist-run centres and arts organizations as means to enhance the scope of available resources and impact for programs on the provincial, national and international level. Guiding Principles Be pro-active in presenting work by artists from diverse communities, including but not limited to communities defined by culture, artistic discipline, geography, language, age, sexual orientation and gender identity. Speak out as an advocate for contemporary art, artist rights and artist issues, on the local, provincial, national and international levels as situations warrant or opportunities arise. Pay fees to artists in accordance with the CARFAC Fee Schedule.


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