Voodoo Rockfest

795 Wing Road Odessa Ontario
Voodoo Rockfest is a grassroots, indie rock showcase that takes place annually at Voodoo Ranch, just west of Kingston, Ontario in Odessa. Voodoo was created from my passion for rock music. I'm just a regular guy that plays drums and loves music. People need to know there is still great music being created everyday. Voodoo provides a stepping stone for amazing rock bands to get noticed, play to a larger crowd and hopefully get to the next level. Voodoo isn't a corporate-run festival hoping to line the pockets of business people. It's my attempt at rectifying the things I hate at festivals. I hope that people leave Voodoo Rockfest as new fans of bands they'd never heard previously, and tell their friends how fun the atmosphere was, and how inexpensive it was to attend. If these things happen I feel like I did my job and my part to keep rock 'n roll alive and well. ~ Joe Matthews, Founder and Organizer, Voodoo Rockfest


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