
FESTIVAL OF EXPERIMENTAL SOUND DESIGN AND MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY NeuzTec! Festival is celebrating our sixth year in growing symbiosis of technology and multimedia including experimental sound design, theatrical arts, electroacoustic, video, noise, drone, ambient, electronica, post-rock, improvisational jazz, cinematic interpretations, and modular synthesis. NeuzTec is an infamous cornucopia of sound, art, and multimedia with roots back to multi-hour Drone Days. In a controlled chaos, performers are revolved through the night playing shorter sets (less than 30 minutes), cross-faded into each other from two stages. Artists are challenged to set up and take down their gear in a sea of other artists and their gear doing the same. In somewhat of a theatrical dance, a behind the scenes view for all to see, NeuzTec is a spectacle for the audience as much as it is an artist sonic extravaganza.


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