Video Guide Vol. 5 No. 3 [#23]

Video Guide Vol. 5 No. 3 [#23]
ArtistsBurden, Chris; Eno, Brian; Seip, Stokely; Chick Rice; Anderson, Laurie; Almy, Max; Tanaka, Janice; Vasulka, Steina; McDonald, Laurie; Levy, Norman; Aleckson, Jon; Friedman, Alec; Baert, Renee; Weidenaar, Reinold;
AuthorMowbray, Ed; Paterson, Nancy; Wong, Paul; Ross, David; Leistner, Ulrich; Henry, Karen; O'Day, Ellie; Seip, Stokely
Date MonthJune
Summary"Welcome to VIDEO GUIDE, a newspaper for and about alternative video in Vancouver. (From first issue)." Tentative publication month as this is the 'Summer' edition. Managing Editor: S. Preus Editor this issue: S. Seip. Cover photo by B. Eno (Mistaken Memories of Medieval Manhattan). 'Tattletape' feature announces upcoming video events here and elsewhere, with articles by E. O'Day ("Nash the Slash"); P. Wong ("Chris Burden Interview"), K. Henry ("Video Shorts III", "Line, Light and Shadow: The Brooklyn Bridge"),U. Leistner ("West German Independants"), S. Seip ("Scanning Pool: Tokyo Rock"), D. Ross ("Brian Eno"), and by E. Mowbray/N. Paterson ("Music/Rock/Video/Television"); with the regular 'Scanning' feature. Photos by B. Pratt, Chick Rice, P. Wong, R. Erickson, J. Gorman, S. Seip. VIDEO, FEMINISM
MediaVideo, Multimedia
Notes20 pages total, quality white newsprint throughout. Production staff this issue, other than noted in 'authors': Jill Kelly, Robb Day.