Video Guide Vol. 4 No. 4 [#19]

Video Guide Vol. 4 No. 4 [#19]
ArtistsSeip, Stokely; Swartz, Jill; Schnee, Sue; Simpson, Doug; Goldberg, Michael; Harvey, Andy; Chartier, Francois; Dion, Daniel; Poloni, Philippe; Fraser, L.E.; Swail, Barbara; Solloway, Wendy
AuthorKean, Sean; Henry, Karen; Lacey, Daryl; Swartz, Jill; Preus, Shawn; Klinkowstein, Toen; Wyngaarden, Cornelia
Date MonthJune
Summary"Welcome to VIDEO GUIDE, a newspaper for and about alternative video in Vancouver. (From first issue)." Tentative publication month as there is no mention of the publication date. Managing Editor: S. Preus. Cover photo/design by S. Seip. 'Tattletape' feature announces upcoming video events here and elsewhere, with articles on Unit Pitt Gallery in the "Vancouver Guide"; M. Goldberg (A Couple of Changes) is reviewed by K. Henry and A. Harvey (Drawing the Lines) is reviewed by D. Lacey; also a description of Plug In Gallery & Video Pool in the "National Guide"; reviews of "Sabotage", a three women performance/Installation by J. Swartz; with coverage of Chicago, Minneapolis, Holland, and the ANNPAC & CCA conferences as well. Photos by S. Seip, J. Swartz, S. Schnee, and D. Simpson. VIDEO, FEMINISM
MediaVideo, Multimedia
Notes20 pages total, quality white newsprint throughout. Production staff this issue, other than noted in 'authors': Shawn Preus, Jill Kelly, and Crista Haukedal.