Chop Vol. 8 No. 1

Chop Vol. 8 No. 1
ArtistsPlumb Blade, Mary; Steele, Bob; Lamb, Elspeth; DuRocher, Micheline; Agnew, Larry
AuthorMadsen, Glenn; Price, Marie; Anderson, Dawn; Nash, Timothy; Horne, Bill
Date MonthJanuary
SummaryFirst issue of the eigth year of newsletters by MPS. Articles include: A Tribute to Mary Plumb Blade; Studio Notes by G. Madsen; Focus: First Five Years by M. Price & D. Anderson; Profile on L. Agnew by T. Nash; Travel Notes by B. Horne; Noticeboard and a '101 Prints' update;. PRINT, MEMBERS, NEWSLETTER
MediaPrint Media
Hard Copy Location Malaspina Printmakers
Notes16 pages total.