Quartet for the Year 4698 or 5760: improvisation for four projectors

Open Space
ArtistsLaiwan; Lori Freedman
SummaryQuartet for the Year 4698 or 5760 was a gallery installation by Laiwan in collaboration with Lori Freedman. It combined film projection, sound, live performance, sculptural space and digital technology to produce variously mediated experiences. Four film loops projected on a central cylinder showed four views of bass clarinetist Freedman, creating a “quartet”—though this impression was disrupted by the fact that the film loops were of different lengths and shot in different locations. Additionally, Freedman performed live with the installation during scheduled performances. Essays by Adrienne Lai, Jessie Lacayo and Tamara Bernstein focus on technology and the body, technology and ideology, and Freedman’s improvisational technique. Includes an extensive chronology of Laiwan’s past work by Brice Canyon.
MediaAudio, Film, Installation, Multidisciplinary, Multimedia, Music, Performance, Sculpture, Sound art
Image CopyrightImage Viewable (permission granted)
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Open Space