First Nations Performance Series

Publisher grunt gallery
ArtistsCabaret; Bob, Sam; Pechawis, Archer; Maracle, Dennis; Sidlar, Jimmy; Kane, Margo; Longboy, Zachery; Maracle, Lee; Humber, Marie; Maskegon-Iskwew, Ahasiw; Lawrenchuk, Michael; Hawke, Tom E.; Claxton, Dana; Thrush, Michelle; Trazier, Annie
CuratorMaracle, Dennis
AuthorMaracle, Dennis; Kane, Margo; Campbell, Maria; Humber, Marie; Maskegon-Iskwew, Ahasiw K.
SummaryProduced on the occasion of a series of performances by First Nations artists, statements are interspersed with texts by Campbell (an account of her strategies as a Native writer against racism) and Maracle (an historic look at agitprop and performance from a Native standpoint). NATIVE ART; PERFORMANCE
MediaCommunity-based practice, Performance
Data Sourcee-artexte
Hard Copy Location Artexte, grunt gallery
NotesMaracle, Dennis and Kane, Margo and Campbell, Maria and Humber, Marie and Maskegon-Iskwew, Ahasiw K.. First Nations Performance Series. Vancouver, BC: Grunt Gallery, 1992. Presentation dates: 10 - 20 Sept. 1992, Grunt Gallery (Vancouver).