Boo Magazine (#10)

Publisher BOO Magazine
ArtistsOksanen, Shannon; Burnham, Clint; Culley, Peter; Bergvall, Caroline; Watson, Scott; Creede, Gerald; Slade, Kathy; Andrews, Bruce; Atkins, Tim; Alteen, Glenn; Schuppli, Susan; Hogg, Lucy; Renton, Andrew; Scott, Kitty; Shier, Reid; MacNevin, Brian; Meigs, Sandra; Hickey, Suzo
AuthorMollineaux, Melinda; Ferguson, Deanna; McCrum, Phillip; Shier, Reid.
SummaryTenth issue of Boo Magazine featuring artworks, art ads, essays, interviews, exhibition reviews and poems by multiple writers and artists. Art Magazines; Community; Artropolis '97; Pornography; Erotic Social Commentary; Digital Flesh;Body and Technology; Cyberspace; Disembodiment; Lesbian and Gay Discourses; Queer Politics; Censorship; Mercury; Venus; Erotic Art; Christianism; The Culture of Nature; History of Landscape Painting; October Show; Alternative Art Institutions; Alternative Art Exhibitions.
MediaVideo, Community-based practice, Creative Writing, Drawing, Film, Painting, Photography, Print Media, Public art, Text-based art, Web-based art
Data SourceMorris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery Archives
Notes@ Morris and Belkin: 10 copies in Box 3, Folder 20.0.25 / 3-4