
Fun 100

Label: Hockey Dad Records
Between its all-too serious beginnings and the dark times we now face, there was a time when pop-punk was golden. Dude Ranch was in everyone's discman, MxPx were releasing some of the greatest albums of all time, and NOFX weren't pretending to be political yet. When you weren't begging your mom for a ride to the Warped Tour and allowance for Kool-Aid hair dye, you were quoting The Simpsons with your buds while you played SNES after school. It truly was a beautiful era, and its passing has left a gaping hole in the hearts of many. Enter Fun 100, five dudes who understand that punk without the pop is like dad without his minivan.. it's not taking you anywhere! Rocking out in church basements, public washrooms, houses, and sometimes even real venues, Fun 100 has been the pulse of the teenage heartbeat for the past five years. These guys are the real deal, their bedrooms complete with hockey trophies, dirty laundry, and a whole lotta records. Adding synthesizers and a whole bunch of attitude, the band has picked up where the best pop-punk left off. So call your parents and get them to give us a ride to the show. Mine can probably pick us up. Anonymous Posting 11/27/04: ---------... more...
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Ryan Dyck
Bruce Dyck
Marc Boucher
Adam Fothergill
Steve M
2004 - The End