
Kevin House

Duality is a word that seemed to come up in reviews of “Gutter Pastoral “ often. Musically, lyrically, and visually this also seems to hold true for “World of Beauty. Only with more fully realized and intimate arrangements. Recorded live off the floor in classic 70"s songwriter style with few edits and restrained but tasteful contributions from some of the finest jazz musicians "on the west coast. If there were some forgotten Delta where the chanson and folk blues traditions congregated it might sound something like this. Like minature one act plays set to music…songs like little landscape paintings , …harmony and dissonance…clouds and stones… The Songs are inhabited once again by disappearing people, Strange journeys down twilight rivers ,Gramaphone hearts and carnival folks. Wrapped in a Seductive backdrop of open tuned fingerpicked guitar, upright bass, drums, trumpet,strings, and piano, these songs are never grand statements ( the world has enough of those) but small victories ducumenting lifes fragilitys, joys, and sorrows. :A makeout album for weirdo”s ? yes, in the best possible way. :Chanson symphonies for late night consumption… :Headphone lullabys ... more...
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Kevin House Band