
UVic Vocal Jazz Ensemble

since circa 2004
The UVic Vocal Jazz Ensemble, directed by Wendell Clanton, has established a reputation for artistic excellence, stylistic flexibility, and performances of original and inspiring arrangements. In addition to highly successful performances at the Vocal Summit (2012) and the Frank Demiero Jazz Fest (2016), the ensemble is well known for its fun-filled, audience engaging concerts.

The Autumn and Spring Vocal Jazz Showcase concerts feature the signature studio group UVJAZZ RED, the 16-voice studio group UVJAZZ BLUE, the University of Victoria Jazz Chorale and various spotlight combos. The Vocal Jazz Ensemble also participates in the all-UVic Choirs Seasonal Christmas Concert at Christ Church Cathedral.

UVJAZZ RED has opened for the internationally acclaimed vocal group Groove for Thought, and has received high praise from vocal jazz legends Kirby Shaw and Dave Barduhn, and master educators Vijay Singh, Janet Warren and Peter Taylor.
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