

Sony Music Canada Officially Release: 'CANADA-FOX' Album!

Former Victoria Basssist Brian Newcombe recently signed a Record Contract
with Sony Music Canada... for Tracks he recorded back in 1970...
for 'RCA Canada' at that time... just a mere 54 Years ago!!

This was with Paul Dean (Loverboy), Billy McBeth, & Clyde Harvey...
in a Band called: 'CANADA'... formally known as: 'The Fox'.

They are calling the Band & the new Album: 'CANADA-FOX'...
as they were well known back in the day (1969 - '71)...
under both Band Names!

So on Friday, April 26th 2024
Sony Music Canada Officially released their 'CANADA-FOX' Album...
to all the Online Music Sites like: iTunes Music, Spotify etc...
as well as YouTube!

Here are the Links:
- Official Sony Music Canada Press Release:

- New 'CANADA-FOX' Band Website: https://www.canada-fox.com

- YouTube Page:

They are all so very thankful to have this opportunity from Sony Music...
to Finally get their Great Music and Cool Tracks from way back in 1970
out there into the World in 2024!
Recording Only Project

Community Events

Current Lineup

Brian Newcombe
2024 - present
Paul Dean
Guitar / Vocals
2024 - present
Billy McBeth
Drums / Vocals
2024 - present
Clyde Harvey
Organ / Vocals
2024 - present