

Sony Music Canada Officially Release: 'CANADA-FOX' Album! Former Victoria Basssist Brian Newcombe recently signed a Record Contract with Sony Music Canada... for Tracks he recorded back in 1970... for 'RCA Canada' at that time... just a mere 54 Years ago!! This was with Paul Dean (Loverboy), Billy McBeth, & Clyde Harvey... in a Band called: 'CANADA'... formally known as: 'The Fox'. They are calling the Band & the new Album: 'CANADA-FOX'... as they were well known back in the day (1969 - '71)... under both Band Names! So on Friday, April 26th 2024 Sony Music Canada Officially released their 'CANADA-FOX' Album... to all the Online Music Sites like: iTunes Music, Spotify etc... as well as YouTube! Here are the Links: - Official Sony Music Canada Press Release: https://www.sonymusic.ca/press_release/founding-member-of-loverboy-paul-dean-unearths-resurrects-restores-and-releases-eponymous-album-of-60s-vancouver-band-canada-fox - New 'CANADA-FOX' Band Website: https://www.canada-fox.com - YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_ltdcyzVH9UeEUWq9srA6uxSV5vhnxSE3A They are all so very thankful to have this opportunity from Sony Musi... more...
Recording Only Project

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Current Lineup

Brian Newcombe
2024 - present
Paul Dean
Guitar / Vocals
2024 - present
Billy McBeth
Drums / Vocals
2024 - present
Clyde Harvey
Organ / Vocals
2024 - present