
Significant Insect

since circa 2007
Sitting in a room surrounded by instruments with a head full of ideas, Vancouver musician "Mantis" (bassist for bands SUGARBLADE and IN DAVEY'S GRIP), begins to write music. Several solitary late-night recording sessions go by; accompanied by multi-talented vocalist "Ladybug" (drummer for SUGARBLADE and the voice of IN DAVEY'S GRIP) the music grows beyond the expectations of the creators. It is a response to the loneliness, the unfullfilment, the disillusion that modern, materialistic, North American life breeds....They will tell you that you are unimportant, incidental, powerless and controlled, but you are more than just a drone in the colony.....you are a Significant Insect.
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Keyboards, Vox
2007 - The End
Kim Urhahn
2007 - The End