
Buck 65

Buck 65 - a.k.a. Rich Terfry (sorta rhymes with 'surprise') - is seasoned to perfection. He's got a bit of grey in the beard and walks a bit slower, but he smells unbelievably good. He claims it's natural. Stewed in his own juices and sprawled on the floor in dementia, this hayseed should be restrained.

The new long-player, 'Talkin' Honky Blues' is like a long walk on a short pier. Much of what went into the album was inspired by the city of Paris, where Buck lived while writing the thing. Further inspiration came from a collection of Anais Nin short stories called 'Under A Glass Bell'. From there, throw in some Charles Bukowski, some Tom Waits, a little bit of King Tubby, and - what the hell - some Faust, and the thing begins to take form. Sound upsetting? Well don't puke yet...

The record took a full year to build and was done so with the help of a man-droid named Graematter and a disturbingly large character named T.O.A.B. La Rone (affectionately refered to as 'Ancient Dirtbag'). Together the three of them form 'the Entity'. The name was chosen by Graematter and was kept because it sounds so hilarious when he says it with his robotic voice.

Here's how it worked: Buck would come up with some words and a rhythm
track, and maybe a start on some kind of melody. From there, T.O.A.B. would
work out a guitar part (in most cases), and then Graematter would chop the
living shit out of everything with the computer. No one ever really understood what the hell each other did. If needed, members of the band (christened 'The Savant Guard') were called in... Dale Murray played pedal steel in the hour of chaos. Andrew Glencross laid in some keys here and there. And Mike Catano would frappe les batteries (pardon my French). Then Buck would crawl out of whatever ditch he was sleeping in and top it all off with some turntable mumbo-jumbo. Voila. You can puke now...

The album is about trying to lead a simple existence in a technically complicated world. Or perhaps it's a visit to a simpler time. It's about finding beauty in crap and it's about driving. And let me tell you something right now boys, the road is a harsh mistress... Yep.

Oh yeah, a few tracks were hooked up by a mad genius named Jo Run who Buck used to work with twelve years ago. Twelve friggin' years! Stick that
one in your ass and think it over...

It will likely be immediately obvious to anyone who's familiar with Buck's earlier work, that this record marks some kind of turning point or new beginning. It's a whole lot more musically sophisticated, and the diversity of his influences has come to the fore in a way that was only subtly hinted at previously. What's next?

A full-on country album? Maybe a Rod McEwan-type shiz-nizzle? Don't put any of it passed these crazy bastards. Shit. You don't want to get put in the head-lock do you?

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