
Self Regime

since circa 2003
Vancouver's latest Thrash Ass-Kicking has come courtesy of Self Regime. Stef Nevatie (Myopia, 9th Hour, Cumsoc) handles guitar duties, Jay Mosdell (The Golers, Fallen One, Godless North) beats skin, and Jay Gavin (Cumsoc,"Formerly of the late Huskavarna" and Speeddealer) thumping bass guitar and also Stumega Crom (Omega Crom) deftly deals out the brutal vocal blows. An impressive live act in any circumstance.
Currently, Self Regime is looking for a guitarist/vocalist (so we have 2 guitars) or a guitarist and a vocalist. Contact Stef @ mctavishzoltan@hotmail.com-nov.8th/04. We've decided to stop doing any melodic powermetal ish vocals, not that we're not fans of that vocal style, but feel that it's sort of out of place with our over all style. Until we get at least a new vocalist, we'll be out of commission.
Even though the only time I've seen them I was pissed out of my mind and making out with someone's girlfriend. Viva La Revulsione!

Pic by Jason Fisher
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Stefan Nevatie (RIP)
guitar/backing vox
2003 - The End
Jay Gavin
2003 - The End

Past Members

Stu Block
2003 - 2004
Dan Scum