
The Bug Nasties

Youthful stupidity will always be one of the hallmarks of rock 'n' roll, but soul has to be earned. It took six years of gigging for Seattle garage punks the Bug Nasties to see their music processed and packaged into tangible merch-table product, but their new record, Which Way Ya Gonna Go?, has all the grit and guts to show for it. Singer, guitarist, and all-around Bug Nasties honcho James Burdyshaw has cracked into his fourth decade of life and his second decade of Seattle rock, but dismisses the suggestion that it's unbecoming for a man of his age to carry on so loudly. "I may be getting older, but I'm not slowing down, that's for sure," Burdyshaw says. "Eventually we all become old timers, but when it comes, do we want to walk around talking about the greater glory of 1989? No, 2007. Take some glory right here." Known to friends as Brother James, Burdyshaw has kept his nose to the grindstone of local rock since 1984, and tells "back in the day" stories that curdle the blood. But that's all stuff for the history books, and besides, he's careful to keep anything that doesn't concern him off the record (this time, anyway—his lips were looser when Everett True interviewed h... more...

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