
Chris Giguère & The Final Say

circa 2017 - circa 2023
Singer-songwriter guitarist Chris Giguère writes memorable songs of reflection, insight and pondering that live on the blurry boundary between folk, country, and rock.

Originally performing as a duo after vocalist Robin Moon encouraged Chris to share some of his recent songs, the group became a trio when Alex Voinot joined them on electric and acoustic guitars. The newest member of the Final Say is Jen Mulvale. Jen adds a new percussive dimension to the band and also contributes additional vocals.
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Chris Giguère "Chris Gigs"
Vocals, guitar
2017 - 2023
Alex Voinot
Guitar, vocals
2017 - 2023
Robin Moon
2017 - 2023
Jen Calder
Percussion, vocals
2022 - 2023