
wendy skog

Skog studied art at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta. Skog's artistic growth and development in the medium of acrylic on canvas has been enhanced by attending the prestigious Emma Lake Artists' Workshop in Canada and the Triangle Artists' Workshop in New York. Skog has had the benefit and privilege of studio critiques from Karen Wilkin, the notable New York critic, and Ken Carpenter, Chair of Fine Arts, York University, Toronto. The paintings of Wendy Skog have been exhibited in numerous solo and group shows in Canada and the United States. They have been internationally included in both corporate and private collections.

Skog's work is an expression of the spirit, energy, confusion, surprise, excitement, tragedy, unpredictability, drama, and innocence we have collectively experienced through lifetimes. The work draws from the vulnerability and consciousness gained through these experiences without their graphic portrayal.
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