
The (International) Noise Conspiracy

In vain, we tend to search for the things that mean the most, and, imbedded within popular culture, we can sometimes find the most amazing elements and techniques of subversion. The common love for dirty 60's punk rock, soul, and radical politics, were just some of the denominators that brought together the fine group called The (International) Noise Conspiracy. T(I)NC features ex-members of the infamous Refused, Separation, Doughnuts, Saidiwas, and the Female Anchor of Sade. As you may understand, The (international) Noise Conspiracy is in no way the typical pop or rock group out there. The (international) Noise Conspiracy is a political rock band, with no ambition to be politically correct or keeping their ideas underground. A band that uses the media and music industry which they hate to get their message across. Critics might claim that the band is just out there selling discontent and the image of rebellion, a band plundering the archives of rock and pop history to make catchy and naive songs about revolution. Nothing could be more wrong. The band is as real, or unreal, as anything is going to be. The band doesn't fit into any frames or genres that makes rock music today so... more...

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Current Lineup

Dennis Lyxen
Sara Almgren