
Doc Fingers

since circa 1973
Photo credit Jack Lavin

It was in the early seventies, during a stint with the Ronnie Hawkins Band in Toronto, Canada that Bruce Gallagher acquired that handle. “They initiated me as a Doctor of Fingerology and ever since then I've been known to everyone as “DOC”
If the name fits----------
The Doctor has treated crowds of parties from the snow peaks of British Columbia and the Swiss Alps to smokey jazz bars in Paris, France, from Hawaii to Keffalonia, Greece, and many places in between.
Vancouver Sun Music Critic Neal Hall says “GOOD TIMES MUSIC-ITS WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED………….When it comes for that therapeutic, good time, boogie woogie blues, jazz and rock and roll, there’s no one that can tickle the keys quite like the doctor. Source, Google.
Broken Up

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Past Members

Dave Gray
2019 - 2022
Newman Corey
Jack Lavin